Sunday, 7 October 2012

Day 9

Hi beautiful, still confused by your day count. Gave the bird a bath today as I mentioned to you over Line. Not sure if he really liked it or not but was quite willing to sit there in one spot while I sprayed him with a squirt bottle. He was puffing up and fluffing his feathers while he was getting wet and surprisingly dried off a lot quicker than I expected he would. Attempted to pat him dry with a towel once I got him back inside and put the heater on to try to make it quicker for him as I was a little worried that he would be cold. Was also surprising that while wet he was more willing to the picked up and petted.

Hana's birthday was quite good at Ondergrounds. There was a good crowd, no costumes this time and the DJ was a lot better than they usually are there. Am sure you will be able to see some of the pictures they took on Facebook from the event. Everyone was asking where you were and how you were doing in Europe. Felt strange to be out at a club without you.

Been working on a song these past few days. Need to practice so I can re-record it but I wanted you to hear it.


  1. Hmmm I can't seem to load the song on my phone. Might have to try when I get better Internet.

    PeachTea looks majorly cute when stuck in that toilet roll!

  2. PeachTea tried to escape from being taken out of the cage by hiding in the toilet roll but couldn't fit so his bum was left sticking out. Was quite funny to watch him running away then suddenly stick his head into the toilet roll and stop moving.
    I sent you the link to my song on YouTube to your standard iPhone messenger service but will send a copy of the link to your email as well. Think it will likely work better through YouTube than Blogger.
